Translator's Starter Kit

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The translation services market is one of the fastest growing: there has never been a better time to become a translator.

There are two fundamental requirements to become a translator:

  • You know two languages very well.
  • You have a degree in linguistics or in a field you are going to specialize in as a translator.

Hello, my name is Paul. I was a chemist my entire life, and when I retired, I decided to become a translator. I knew I could be a professional translator because I am fully bilingual and have translated, pro bono, for colleagues, university professors, and book writers.

However, I knew nothing about the translation industry. I started scouring the internet to gather all the information I needed: who commissions translations? Did I need some software? Could I find help and resources by joining some associations? How could I become credible as a translator? And so on.

I spent over a month gathering all this information, and then I started sending my CV to agencies.
I started making proposals on various platforms and found out what works and what doesn’t.

I must admit I was lucky, I got jobs from the first day.

Now, I believe that others could benefit from the findings of my research rather than wasting time doing what I have already done.

This is what you will find in this kit:

·       An Excel worksheet with 350+ trusted agencies complete with contact details: no need to search, just click on the links and apply! (Plus another 800+ web addresses and emails of agencies for you to check out).

·       A list of the platforms that proved useful to find jobs: start working today.

·       A list of all the translators’ associations: connect and be part of the game.

·       The blogs that are worth following: learn fast how this industry works.

·       A list of courses that will help you become a better and more in-demand professional: stand out from the crowd.

·       A list of all the (mostly free) tools you will need to set up in this profession: get ready in a matter of minutes.

This is not a book: there are so many already, and most of them are 90 percent chatter. It is not a guide or a manual either. It’s only a few pages packed with all the information you need plus the 350+ Agencies worksheet: the distillate of all my research and experience (plus another 800 if you need more).
There isn't one extra word because you need information, not chatter.

This kit will save you a huge amount of time as you get your career off the ground.
And the price is less than an hour of work for a professional translator.

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You'll get all the info you need to start your career as a freelance translator: nine pages packed with info, no chatter, plus a 350+ agencies woorksheet.

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Translator's Starter Kit

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